“Così Fedez sceglie le ragazze per le sue feste” da Onlyfans

Manuela has been an OnlyFans star since 2019 and currently boasts a substantial following of 40,000 fans.

Recently, she came back into the spotlight in the gossip columns after revealing details about the launch party for "Sexy Shop," the new track by Fedez and Emis Killa, to the weekly magazine Gente. “Several OnlyFans girls were invited to the party specifically as ‘image girls,’” Manuela recounted, having attended the event herself. “The invitation came from a friend of mine who was organizing the event and was responsible for bringing in the image girls.” Manuela also invited other girls: “If they need pretty girls, they ask me to find them because I have many contacts in the industry.” She sends out invitations through a Telegram chat, where she requests the girls’ profiles for approval.

When asked if this was common practice, Manuela responded, “Yes, definitely. If there are not enough girls at a party, they ask me to find them. Those who work on OnlyFans are often more inclined to be image girls in these contexts.” By image girls, she means “those who need to look good, that’s why you’re there. That’s all.”

The women chosen by Fedez

The young woman explained that the girls requested for Fedez’s party needed to be attractive, wear heels, be pretty, and have a certain number of followers, with an age range between 20 and 25 years old. She added that none of the women who went to the party with her were paid; they all came for free. However, when participating as extras in music videos, they might get paid 50 or 100 euros. To attend the party, the approval of the organizers, including Fedez and his friends like Taxi B, was necessary, as they reviewed the girls' Instagram profiles to decide whom to invite.